
  • Do you feel like your ELECTRIC rates are too high?

  • Are you Annoyed with the numerous calls trying to get you to switch suppliers?

  • Are you Confused when it comes to selecting the RIGHT supplier for YOU?

Many people are hesitant when it comes to choosing an alternative electricity supplier for their home, and understandably so. There are hundreds of suppliers to choose from (many of which are not worth your consideration) and many pricing options and terms that are themselves mindboggling. In addition, most of us have been flat out lied to, deceived, and ended up paying more than if we had never switched from our current utility service rates to begin with. Until now, no one has been willing to assist you without taking the majority of your savings. Big D Enterprises will handle everything for you; honestly, ethically, with complete transparency, and at the lowest cost to you.

It all starts with our initial evaluation of your current rate situation. A simple upload by you of your latest utility invoice to our server, along with the necessary basic account information, will allow us to shop for the best rates for you. (BTW… The savings we find for our customers range from $200 - $600+ per year). Extra money that can be used for any number of things; extra money for gasoline, funds to pay off other monthly expenses such as a cell phone bill, or more money to buy those special presents for loved ones.

Once we have shopped for the absolute best rates for you, we will provide a savings analysis for review and confirmation. After we receive your go ahead, along with our very reasonable processing and service fee of $33.95, a contract will be secured for you and forwarded to you automatically. Your new low rate usually occurs on your very next utility invoice! And that is it. All of this is guaranteed to take place within 3-5 business days once we receive your uploaded current invoice and customer information.

One last very important thing… we will NOT forget about you going forward. Prior to your contract term expiring, we will reach out to you with our expert suggestions for the subsequent term. Our goal is to partner with you for the long haul, taking this confusing chore off your plate, so you do not have to concern yourself in remembering to secure future energy rates.

Our 30 years of energy experience speaks for itself.

The Risk Free Process

Step One:

Fill out the form providing the information needed so we can shop for you.

Step 2:

Give us between 3 to 5 days to find the right supplier and put together a savings analysis.

Step 3:

We email you the analysis showing the rates and savings. If we can not save you any money, we will also tell you that.

Step 4:

Become a member with either an annual membership or take an extended 5 year membership and save even more money.

At BigD Enterprises, we understand the complexities and the hassle of looking for an electrical or natural gas supplier. We act similarly to a broker with a variety of suppliers that service different areas of deregulated states. This allows us to shop for YOU and give you access to something that was only reserved for businesses in the past. After we shop for you, we present you with a savings analysis. If you like the analysis, you may choose to become a member and take advantage of those savings. The small annual membership fee allows us to act as your energy consultant. Once you are a member, we provide you with the agreements with the energy company. It is that simple.

We utilize only those suppliers that DO NOT charge sign-up fees, monthly fees, or any other hidden fees to you. Again, all rates are guaranteed to be a Fixed Rate for the full-term length

Some FAQ’s

  • All we really need is some basic information that we would need when engaging with the suppliers. This would include information such as the account name, number, address. We would also need information to be able to send the savings analyisis.

  • If you choose to engage Big D Enterprises as a consultant, our agreement runs annual to match the agreements with the energy supplier. We also provide a longer term solution which would allow us to stay engaged for up to 5 years.

  • No, you must be in a deregulated state. If you are in a deregulated state, we can serve as a consultant.

  • No. You always have the power and option to make a choice. Once we do the work and provide you with the savings analysis. you can choose to accept and become a member or reject it altogether.

  • If there are no savings, we congratulate you for already being in the best place. This provides you with the peace of mind to know you have the best deal you can get.

  • The answer is simple, for over 30 years we have been working on behalf of our customers to save them money and provide stronger options. However, there are many residential households that are paying more than they need simply because they don’t understand. As a trusted resource, we provide you with a choice.

See what our satisfied customers are saying about us!

Bob from Harrisburg, PA ….

Big D enterprises made this cumbersome task so easy for us. We have saved over $350/yr with very minimal effort.

Greg from Baltimore, MD….

We could not be happier with the savings provided by going with Big D Enterprises. I no longer concern myself with having to shop for the best electricity rates out there.

Lisa from Pittsburgh, PA…

 Last year I was sold a bill of goods, thinking that the rate I chose would stay the same. When in reality, after the suppliers “low introductory rate,” it shot up over DOUBLE what I thought I had committed to.  Big D Enterprises secured me a FIXED rate guaranteed not to change for the entire term of the contract. Headaches gone!